Monthly News and Tips February 2022
Track your spending for one month. Prioritize it, some things may not be necessary. It will help you learn to live within your means and avoid excess credit card use. When you get a raise do you pay yourself back by increasing your contribution to retirement or working to pay off your mortgage? Adding even $50/month to your house payment will cut years off the end.
Build an emergency reserve – it helps tremendously to have cash available for unexpected events.
It’s also a good idea to review your mortgage – have the interest rates gone down? Should you refinance for a lower payment?
Revisit your insurance, homeowners, auto – are there better rates out there? Also, life and health insurance – talk with us and we’ll help you to make sure the insurance fits your plan and protects your loved ones.
We’re at the start of tax season. You can upload your information through our secure portal, drop it off, or make an appointment with Matt or myself. Please let us know if you’d prefer a pdf copy of your return instead of paper. You can leave your information or pick up your finished return at Rose’s office, right across from mine