One of the hardest things to talk about, or even think about is “What will happen to my loved ones when I’m gone?” and “Will they be okay?”.
Although that topic isn’t a conversation that most are comfortable to have most of the time, it is a necessary one
Even though people have started realizing the importance of insurance, a huge gap exists between the total number of required coverage and the total number of existing coverage’s. Celebrated in September, Life Insurance Awareness Month is a campaign created in 2004 that has been running for the last 18 years. The campaign is created to help educate people on the importance of life insurance, how to choose the right coverage options, and secure your financial future.
- Half of American adults- representing 129 million Americans don’t have life insurance.
- More than 4 in 10 families would face financial hardship within six months should the primary wage earner die, and a quarter would struggle financially within a month.
- While 7 in 10 uninsured consumers say they don’t have life insurance because it’s too expensive, 75% overestimate the cost of life insurance.
- Seven in 10 women believe having life insurance coverage is important, yet most women are uninsured.
- More than 4 in 10 of parents with financially dependent children don’t have life insurance.
Life insurance can be utilized in a multitude of ways. Whether it is using it to become more tax efficient, funding long term care
or critical illness, protecting your loved ones, or receiving income on a monthly basis.
- More than 4-10 families face financial hardships when the primary wage earner passes
- Have a plan in place to secure your loved one’s financial future.
- Life insurance isn’t solely utilized for death benefits. It can be used in a variety of different ways, dependent on your needs.
- Call me today and let’s go over your current financial plan!
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